Kolaj Fest New Orleans 2025 - Call for Artists, Projects, and Papers

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Call to Artists for Kolaj Fest New Orleans 2025 

Kolaj Magazine is an internationally-oriented art magazine dedicated to contemporary collage, published by Kolaj Institute. WEBSITE

Kolaj Fest New Orleans is a multi-day festival and symposium, 25-29 June 2025. Our mission is to create a platform that allows us to explore critical issues around collage: how it is curated and presented, its role in contemporary art, and the tensions between collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a movement.

Our goal is to create an event that attracts a variety of people working in various capacities, such as art professionals at museums, galleries, and centers as well as academics, writers, and artists. The general public will be invited to join us for gallery visits, evening presentations, and collage making.

Before proceeding, please read the complete Call for Artists, Papers, and Projects on Kolaj Magazine's website. This article contains specific information about what we are looking for, the expectations of presenters, and the information we will ask you to provide.

IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION: Only apply to be a presenter if you plan on attending Kolaj Fest New Orleans in person. If you answer no to the question, "If accepted, will you attend Kolaj Fest New Orleans, 25-29 June 2025?", your submission will not be reviewed and will be rejected. Presenters are responsible for their own travel to, accommodations at, and registration for the event. Limited resources are available to assist those presenters in need and only after their presentation submission has been accepted. 

If you are accepted as a presenter, you are expected to register for and pay the registration fee for Kolaj Fest New Orleans. 

If you cannot attend Kolaj Fest New Orleans, consider submitting to Kolaj Magazine another way. MORE INFO

Note: Members of the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory will be able to simply refer to their listing in the directory. 

The early deadline to submit is Sunday, 23 February 2025. If you want to lead a panel or project, it is important that you apply by this date. We will review your submission and may update the Call to seek additional panelists or project collaborators. 

The final deadline to submit is Sunday, 16 March 2025. Submissions will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. We will notify Submitters via email no later than Wednesday, 16 April 2025.

About Kolaj Fest New Orleans WEBSITE

Register for Kolaj Fest New Orleans WEBSITE


If you are submitting a panel or project that involves other people and for which you are the lead, each additional person must submit. Please include a list of names in your submission. 

However, subsequent submitters (non-leads) should not simply resend the original panel proposal. They should simply refer to your submission and focus on their role. For example, in response to the question, "How would you like to participate in Kolaj Fest New Orleans?", non-leads may simply put something like: "I want to be on Jane's panel. See Jane's submission."

If you are submitting because you are participating in a panel or project of which someone else is the lead submitter, simply refer to your lead's submission and focus on your role on the panel or in the project. For example, in response to the question, "How would you like to participate in Kolaj Fest New Orleans?", you may simply put: "I want to be on Jane's panel. See Jane's submission."

If you are interested in additional people joining your panel or project, let us know in the "How would you like to participate in Kolaj Fest New Orleans?" section. If accepted, you are required to make sure the additional people you recruit submit to the Call to Artists before the deadline and are prepared to register for and attend Kolaj Fest New Orleans.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.